What I’m about

Graduate architect, for years I’ve been dedicated to designing experiences through architecture, educational, and collaborative processes. Now I’m working mostly as a digital product designer.

In my work, I aim to fulfil my values – kindness and strength – in a way beneficial for people and businesses they need. I work with established businesses and startups with equal joy.

I am from Belarus and am currently based in Minsk. English is neither my first, nor second language, so I can make mistakes – apologies for that.

What I can help you with

  • You just need a product designer.
  • You have a startup and need a founding designer or consultation to kick off.
  • You need some mentorship.
  • You just want to have a chit-chat about design, books, and how screwed up product management and VC culture is.

What I like

  • Sheng pu-erh
  • Nick Cave’s music and newsletter
  • Walking

You can check and download my CV.


This website is made with Jekyll, first using the base theme Minima, which I have customized a bit. It is stored in a public repo, so you can poke around if you want (and good luck with finding anyhting interesting). I host and deploy the site on Github Pages and I think it’s a good setup for a beginner.

You can find out more info about customizing your Jekyll theme, as well as basic Jekyll usage documentation at jekyllrb.com

Source code for Minima at GitHub: minima

Source code for Jekyll at GitHub: jekyll